Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Movie pick #1, "The Signal"

Here's a short synopsis of what led me to rent this movie in the first place.......

About a month ago, Gnarls Barkley played the 40 watt. The show sold out in a couple of days, but lucky for me my friend Ross set aside tickets for his friends so that not only douche bags would get to go. I was excited about this mainly, and as you may or may not know, Brian Burton, aka DJ Danger Mouse, use to live in Athens before making it big as a dj, producer, and musician. I met Brian back in '98 while I was living in Alpharetta and working at the Lickskillet Farm. Brian's best friend was a co-worker of mine named Alex Motlaugh. Another reason I was excited about the show, was that I figured Alex would be there as we had lost touch and hadn't seen each other in six years. Sure enough, upon walking into the 40 watt, Alex is standing right in front of me. Alex was an aspiring cinematographer when we last spoke. I knew that he had done some work on the Cartoon Network's Danger Doom show.

We chatted a little and enevitably, the question arose, "So, have you made any movies yet?" "You haven't heard?" "No", I said. I was the executive producer for a movie that did well at Sundance last year. Really? What's it called? "The Signal", it's sort of a horror movie.

I asked my buddy Todd if he had heard of it and he assured me he had and that it was all the rave amongst horror movie bluffs.

Alex told me I could find it at most any video rental place. I was absolutely shocked, almost missing it completely, to find that Vision Video had a full shelf of the dvd. I was expecting maybe one or two copies, not 15.

The movie itself is definately not run of the mill horror. It centers around a troubled married couple living in Terminus (Atlanta). Marital problems take a backseat when all media transmissions (tv, radio, ipods, etc) begin playing a horrible signal that pushes mankinds rational and patience to the limit. Anarchy and mass genocide ensues. Not a complete gorefest, but definately enough skull pounding to keep you awake for the whole thing. It sort of reminds me of "Shaun of the Dead" with the comedy pulled out (ed. note* I didn't really find "S. of the D" that funny, entertaining, but not that funny). Cool kids killing each other. A great way to spend a week night. Check it out when you get the chance. I give this movie 3 3/4 out of 5 murderboners up.

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